The ABCD Plan starts from the knowledge that creative businesses and workers will be at the forefront of the city’s recovery, that we have a strong infrastructure to work with and that there are unique opportunities in Brighton and Hove for our thinking to be radical and inclusive. Participants in the consultation process to date brought enormous insight and experience, sharing innovative ways of working and thinking in response to Covid-19 that we will build upon and adopt. The delivery of the plan will ensure the sector remains future-focused and entrepreneurial, with an understanding of how the operating environment has changed and which skills and resources are required to change with it. Above all, this plan commits the sector to developing ways of working that are more inclusive, collaborative and more sustainable, acknowledging the power imbalances that exist and determined to find solutions to address them.
The proposed activity is divided into five distinct but interconnected strands.
The ENGINE ROOM is focussed on developing sector specific business support designed specifically for cultural and creative business and individuals living or working across Greater Brighton.
ENLIVEN BRIGHTON intends to employ creative and cultural businesses and practitioners to enliven the city centre, boosting the city’s vital retail economy and making it a more attractive and rewarding destination to visit.
The CREATIVE COMMUNITIES NETWORK is a community-led programme designed to support culture to all parts of the city through the installation of local event infrastructure alongside event management and programming training and support.
The CREATIVE WORKER INCOME GUARANTEE is a research project designed to explore whether targeted intervention in the form of an income guarantee can prevent talented individuals from leaving the sector for more rewarding opportunities.
SPACE TO GROW – a programme to review the current options for creative space in the city, explore new models and maximise existing capital and organisational infrastructure.
The ABCD Governing Body (currently formed of Donna Chisholm, Brighton & Hove City Council, Ian Baird, EPIC, Louise Blackwell and Marina Norris, What Next? and Andrew Comben, ACIC plus 5 more positions currently being recruited via the Working Group recruitment process) are seeking to collaborate with a group of local people who will lead the implementation of the ABCD for Cultural Recovery Plan.
This is an opportunity for diverse and dynamic local cultural leaders to ensure the cultural recovery in Brighton & Hove has the impact it must. It’s a chance for a range of people to work together and bring their experiences to develop a new way of working that has not existed in the City to date.
Following a period of consultation with creative workers in the City, the time for action and implementation is now. The Working Groups will be responsible for making things happen. They are not talking shops. They will develop specific targets for recovery, guided by the plan, to work towards. Their work is time-limited to the end of 2022 to enable and fuel recovery for the many individuals and organisations working in the Creative Industries in the City.
There are five Working Groups. The Working Groups will comprise of 6 – 8 people per group including a Chair. Each Working Group Chair will also hold a position on the Governing Body. These people will have lived experience of different artform practices and Creative Industry business structures including but not limited to: commercial, subsidised, not-for-profit, freelance and sole traders, Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisations and other organisations and individuals who work in the Creative Industries in Brighton & Hove.
The Working Groups will be co-ordinated by Programme Management Services (currently being recruited) and the Arts Development Officer at Brighton & Hove City Council.
The criteria, skills, qualities and experience we are seeking for these roles including:
A base in Greater Brighton either personally or for your organisation
Experience of contributing professionally to the Creative Industries internationally, in the UK and/or in Greater Brighton in the past 5 years
Representation of a specific community of workers in the Creative Industries including but not limited to: practitioners, supply chain, producers, promoters or other arts and community leaders
An understanding of the creative ecology in Brighton & Hove
A collaborative approach to work
A willingness to work in this role for the greater good of the City’s cultural economy rather than for the specific benefit of one organisation or group of people
Holding diversity, equality and inclusion as core values
Specific areas of expertise we are recruiting for on each Working Group include:
Project management and delivery
Experience of working in a political environment
Each Working Group will use the following lenses to assess ideas, programmes and actions arising from the work they do:
Regional, national and international perspectives
Children and Young People
Talent development
Job creation
Other sector partnerships
Environmental sustainability
Additional skills, qualities and experience needed for each Working Group include, you will need to meet at least one of these criteria to be eligible for a Working Group and ideally you meet more than one:
Enliven Brighton
Experience of working creatively with Business Improvement Districts, town centres, shops, City Centre locations and/or businesses
An understanding and experience of artist commissioning programmes including digital artworks
Experience of large scale projects that bring new visitors to a new location
Experience of building digital infrastructure for creative projects
Creative Communities Network
Experience and understanding of working in the outdoor events industry
Understanding of small scale touring work
Experience of creatively collaborating with communities and community groups outside Brighton City Centre
Understanding of working with commercial partners in supply and maintenance contracts
Experience of micro-commissioning and programming of creative spaces
The Engine Room
Understanding of the development needs for creative sector specifically around business and leadership support
An understanding and experience of a variety of business models utilised in the cultural sector from sole traders/artists to charities to commercial models
Experience of large scale projects that address cultural and creative growth focusing on skills, knowledge and innovation, with an understanding of wider learning environment from schools, to Universities and other creative hub models
Experience of creating shared platforms to improve collaboration and or efficiency, could be either digital or in person
The following working groups will be recruited at a later date:
Space to Grow
Creative Worker Income Guarantee
Brief for Working Group Chairs
In addition, the Chairs of each group will form part of the Governance Team. The Chair for each Working Group is a key position to ensure the success of cultural recovery in the City. The Chairs will take ownership of their working group, will shape and drive the programme of work and ensure deliverables are met. They will be self-motivated and able to manage the administration and co-ordination of meetings as well as get the best out of the working group members to ensure action is taken and change takes place.
Draft work plan
To give an idea of the capacity needed to be on the Working Groups, below are some example deliverables. Please note, once in place, the Working Group Chairs will set specific targets as part of their role on the Governance team. The Chairs’ role also includes creating a delivery plan for cultural recovery to 2022.
March 2021
Ensure at least two Working Group meetings take place, setting priorities and deliverables for the 2021 plan with and without Cultural Recovery Funding (decision end of March 2021).
Work with Governance team to develop a delivery plan building on confirmed funds from Brighton & Hove City Council and responding to new funding opportunities.
April – June 2021
If CRF funding is successful:
Engine Room
Commission and recruit suppliers and experts to deliver:
10 business training courses for 10 people/local businesses
15 x 1:1 business and finance coaching series
A series of Action Learning Sets
Confirm partnership with Pebble Trust and Brighton Business Improvement District
Recruit cultural partner to work with the Business Improvement District
Devise 3 x commission briefs for cultural partners to deliver in June 2021
Recruit artists for commissions
Creative Communities
Prepare tender for capital purchase
Recruit trainers for capital equipment
Develop community partners
Develop and recruit for 3 – 5 micro commissions
The process
Please note, we have currently secured funding to recruit participants to kickstart the following strands in February and March and this is what we are recruiting for now:
Enliven Brighton
Creative Communities Network
The Engine Room
We have funds to support 2 x freelance positions for each of the 3 working groups to meet twice before the end of March (by when we are hoping to secure more funds) at a rate of £300 per day for 1.5 days in Feb & March (a total fee of £450).
The Governance group and Working Groups will continue to function from April 2021 and we are currently raising funds to support the period from April onwards. The two other Working Groups will be recruited when further funds are secured.
The ABCD Cultural Recovery Plan team will review the governance and structure at the end of June 2021. This is a dynamic process. If it’s not working well enough, it will adapt, change and evolve.
To apply please fill in form below by 10th March 2021.
If you would prefer to apply by video please answer the same questions on the form in no more than 3 minutes and upload your film HERE
Brighton Dome and Brighton Festival are supporting the recruitment process with a member of their team managing the administration only.
The recruitment panel for this process are will consist of members of the Founding Team and at least two other independent arts practitioners or consultants.
This phase of the ABCD Cultural Recovery Plan is funded by Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival and Brighton & Hove City Council.
We aim to notify applicants of the outcome of the application on or before Tuesday 16th March 2021.
Large Print and Audio versions of this brief are available on the following links: